As we enter another new year, yet again. I find myself writing all my goals down for the year. Including my mom goals. This is nothing new for me as I am a paper and pen kind of person. I like to see all my thoughts, to-do lists, and goals on paper.
As my oldest daughter is inching towards her teen years, I’ve been thinking about how I want her to remember her childhood here at home. When she leaves I don’t want her to say mom worked all the time or was too busy for me.

I am challenging myself to be more present this year with not only my oldest but with all my girls. I hear people say this all the time and never actually do it. Why are our phones so important to everyone? There is nothing on facebook or Instagram that could be more important than our families.
While I do have both of these apps and I consider deleting them almost daily, they are not my problem. I have a hard time not answering my emails and my work messages immediately. I feel like my kids are always waiting for me to be done talking to my boss or one of my clients. This year I want to change that and only work when they aren’t present. Even if it means getting up at 4 am to start my day.
My girls are only little once and I don’t want to miss any of it. I understand that there is a time for work, school, play, and so on, but for the most part, I want to be fully present. The Lord gave me these children to raise for him and I need to do a job well done. Children should be a mother’s most important work!

This year I want to give my children the gift of being present. I want to make more memories with them this year. I want to be there for everything!
My mom goals this year are to be more
- Patient
- Kind
- Loving
- Understanding
- Present
How I Plan To Achieve This
I notice that I am more short-spoken and not as kind when I don’t get up before the kids. I think that it is much better to start the day earlier than the girls instead of them waking me up.
When I am dressed, I have had some coffee, and some alone time with the Lord I am much nicer, than if I had just woke up and everyone needs something immediately. While this is no excuse to be unkind I am just saying what works best for me.
Putting away my phone during school time. When I am trying to teach the girls I don’t need to have my phone on. I am the type of person that has to answer everything immediately and this alone leaves me frustrated because the kids need me, someone on my phone needs me, and then I’m distracted thinking about work or checking something for work. That’s how it starts for me. Then I am a frazzled mess cause all I can think about is the work that needs to be done. It’s better if I don’t even see what I need to do in terms of work until I sit down for work.
I plan on putting my phone on silent while I am helping the girls with their schoolwork. Homeschooling the girls is very important to me and I want to give them my full attention and help them reach their full potential. I can’t do that if I am distracted.

What I Want My Girls To Remember When They’re Grown
- That mom let them help in the kitchen with meals.
- Taught them about the Lord.
- That we had regular picnics.
- That we laughed a lot.
- That I made them homemade chicken soup whenever they were sick.
- That I always listened.
- That we always had a good time when we ate meals together.
- That I read to them often.
- Tucked them in and sang to them every night.
- Let them make messes.
- That we colored together often.
I know I will fail at this at some point, but I don’t want to. The Lord is helping me to grow as I parent these sweet girls. I am learning right alongside them. They are learning to be kind and forgiving and so am I. No one is perfect and we all fail.
Tell me what your goals are as a mom in the comments or send me an email.