Young Living Essential Oil

About six months ago I decided to do some research on essential oils. I had heard how great these oils can be and that you can do so much with pure oils. Let me say first that I was a skeptic. I thought all these people were crazy that believed in these essential oils. How could one oil such as lavender be a calmer, anxiety reducer, a homemade bubble bath, cure sunburn, and so much more? After lots of research I realized that essential oils was what many people used in the older days when medicine wasn’t readily available. God gave us these natural remedies to help with our sickness and our ailments. Do I believe that they can cure all things? No, but I do believe that these oils can aid in helping you to feel better, sleep better, and keep your home clean without lots of chemicals.

I recently had a friend who was fighting severe nausea from being pregnant with her fourth. She was able to combat her nausea with peppermint oil and it enabled her to do the things that needed doing in the home. You know as well as I do a homeschool mother of three can not simply lay around in the bed all day, no matter how bad we want to.

I am now a believer in these oils I have experimented and researched the past six months on each oil what they can do and what they can not do. I would like to share with you over the next several weeks my findings about different oils and how to properly use them. I will include cleaning recipes, homemade muscle rubs, bubble bath, sleep aids, and so much more.

If you are interested in learning more about Young Living essential oils please contact me by email or leave a comment and I will do my best to answer any questions.

**disclaimer** I am no doctor and these oils are not meant to be used in place of your current medication. I can not diagnose you nor can these oils cure you of serious illness.

Picture is property of Young Living Essential Oils.

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