Family Time

Lately I have just realized how important spending time with your family is. My husband and I are learning everyday how important it is to cherish these little moments with our girls.  It has always been a high priority, but lately it seems that we are always so busy that I forget to take the extra time to cuddle. My oldest is a snuggler and I am having to learn to be ok with that. I love my children more than anything, but I am not a cuddle person. A hug, a kiss, and I am usually done, but I have come to realize that children need those extra snuggles everyday and you know something I do too! I love sitting with my girls and reading to them. I love those morning snuggles and pajama days were we do nothing except maybe walk to the mail box. It is an amazing blessing to be able to be home with my children everyday. I wasn’t always able to do this and when I was away from them it broke my heart. My heart goes out to you moms that work on a regular basis it is rough. I homeschool my children and as Megan (5) finished up kindergarten this year, I was overjoyed and heartbroken. Were did the time go? It was just yesterday that I was rocking her, watching her crawl, and now my little princess graduated kindergarten.

I thank God everyday for all three of my little blessings and my husband! Our family is in God’s hands and I

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